
Sweden x Reader -For Sale- 7

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Sweden x Reader -For Sale- 7

I happily walked out of the steamy bathroom, my hair still slightly wet and my PJs that I brought from mine and Sweden's room snuggly loose on my boy. I was in a pair of red Hello Kitty flannels that I bought while shopping with China, along with a red tank top I bought a few weeks ago with Prussia. I also got a skirt that France suggested and a school girl lotila outfit that Spain suggested for when I visit Japan. 

They're perverts, I know.... But it's only clothes, isn't it? 

"Hey Ber, wanna watch a movie? I can go make the popcorn" I walked downstairs, smiling happily and blushing slightly as I saw Sweden sprawled on the couch, watching the news, which was in Swedish. 

"Sure. If that's what you want" Sweden nodded as I smiled and ran to go get the popcorn, unaware of the pink evident on the Swede's cheeks as I pulled out the popcorn kernels and the popper. 


'Time to do as America suggested...' Sweden thought to himself as he popped in a movie that America suggested called Paranormal Activity. 

'I wonder if she'll get to scared.... Maybe I shouldn't of put it in...' Sweden thought back to the cute, funny, and amazingly lovable girl who was preparing popcorn for the both of them right now. 

'But then again..... Maybe it'll actually help? I can never tell with those weird Americans.....' he second guessed as _____ walked into the room, her hand tightly gripping a large bowl of popcorn. 

Sweden didn't even notice the small, quiet girl enter the room until she spoke up. 

"What movie did chu put in, Ber?" ______ asked in her beautiful sing-songy voice as Sweden snapped out of his thoughts. 

"Paranormal Activity. It's an American movie". 

"Oh! Ok~! I heard America rant about dis movie once. Let's do dis!" _____ cheered, her verbal tick showing as she sat gracefully and excitedly next to Sweden, the bowl of popcorn now on her lap. 

Sweden smiled softly to himself, pressing play as he leaned back in the seat and allowed ______'s warm and  cheerful presence heat him (and his face) up.  

A few times throughout the movie, ______ leaped closer to Sweden and held onto him tightly, even going as far as to squeeze her beautiful eye shut and nuzzle into his shoulder or hide by grasping him into a hug as her breath tickled Sweden's neck. 

'America was right.... This is nice...' Sweden blushed, not bothering to hide his blush because of the darkness of the room.

-----Le Time Skip--------

Once the movie was over, ______ happily walked up into her room, missing Peter's cheerfulness because Switzerland called a few hours ago and said that Peter was going to sleep over. 

Knowing the Swiss man very well, ______ knew it was because Liechtenstein begged him to let Peter sleep over. 

'Ah, well.... At least there wasn't any school tomorrow, right?' ______ thought to herself, smiling slightly as she walked into the bedroom and snuggled up to Berry, sighing into the bear's worn and old fur happily as she drifted off to sleep. 

'Peter will come home tomorrow and we can all go to the park together, like a..... Family....' Sweden smiled at the thought as he removed his shirt and replaced it with a muscle shirt, also removing his work pants and replacing them with a pair of sweats as he looked at ______ snuggled into bed, hugging the bear that Sweden got her when they were young.....

------ Le Flashback-------

"I... Gotta.... Get.... That.... Bear!!!" a cute, small girl pouted, trying to throw a large plastic ring over empty bottles, around their nozzle. 

"Why do you want it so badly?" Sweden spoke aloud, his eyes slightly widening as he realized his mistake. 

'She's a human. I'm not supposed to talk to human kids my age....'. 

"Because it's so pretty! Plus, it's nice to have something to cuddle with when you have nightmares!" the girl blushed, looking at the cute boy with yellow hair, and beautiful blue eyes which were framed by handsome glasses. 

"B- Ber.... Wald" Sweden said, walking closer to the girl. 

"Ber... Wald? Can I just call you Ber? I'm _____" the small girl smiled happily, walking a bit closer to the boy. 

"I-... Uhmm... Sure..... Nice to meet you, _____" the small Swede was at a loss of words for the first time. 

"Hey, I can try to get that bear for you!" Sweden blushed, mentally frowning at his thoughts. 

'I can't get close to a GIRL! Finland's going to be my wife because he's nice enough to be the only person who will never leave me.... This girl's going to go back to her family soon enough...'. 

"Y- You don't have to, Ber!" ______ blushed at the thought of the cute boy trying to get the bear for her. 

Not listening to her, Sweden paid for a few rings and landed a few onto the bottle nozzles. He picked out the teddy bear that _____ was looking at a while ago and handed it to her. 

"Thanks, Ber" _____ smiled, hugging the Swedish boy before kindly taking the bear and snuggling it to her chest. 

"I'll call him Berry, so I won't ever forget you" _____ smiled and blushed, secretly wondering what the warmth on her cheeks was called. Did she have a fever? _____ thought countries didn't get fevers or colds unless their economies are down.... 

'I guess that's fine.... She'll forget why she named it that anyways...' Sweden thought with a sigh as he walked away before ______ could ask if he wanted togo on rides with her. 

A few years later, ______ and Sweden saw themselves again at the World Meeting.....

-----Le Fin-land of Le Flashback------

"And I see that you did never forget me, ______" Sweden smiled as he held the beautiful girl's sleeping form close to him as he closed his eyes and fell into a deep sleep.
Woot! Seven chapters Finnished so far! :iconsuperw00tplz:
I also learned how to use icons!!! :iconlalalaplz:

America: Hahaha!!! He totally listened to me cause I'm the HERO!!!! *American flag appears in background* *tooth sparkle*

Me: A- America... Did your tooth just SPARKLE?!

America: Uh.... Yeah? I guess so.... *blush*


America: *goes Chibi* Hahahahahahaha~!!!!! I'M THE HERO!!!!

(Dis wonderful picture was drawn for me by mein liebling, Matsuri212~! Ich liebe dich, Matsuri212~!)

Anyways..... CHAPTER LISTINGS!!!! :icondignitylaughplz:

Chapter 1- [link]
Chapter 2- [link]
Chapter 3- [link]
Chapter 4- [link]
Chapter 5- [link]
Chapter 6- [link]
Chapter 7- Chu be here~!
Chapter 8- [link]

Sweden's List- [link]
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